Make your own Handmade Papers and a Coptic Bound Journal CLASS CANCELLED
taught by Marisela Rumberg
Sundays, October 20 and 27, from 11 AM to 4 PM
The first Sunday we will make handmade papers.
This hands-on workshop covers all the basics about Papermaking using the “Pour Method”: pulp preparation, sheet forming, couching, pressing and drying; also, decorative techniques such as inclusions and pulp painting. You will learn how you can easily do it at home - without making a mess! No previous experience necessary. Small supply list will be provided at the time of registration.

On the second Sunday we will design and assemble a coptic stitched journal with the handmade and other papers.
Create your first edition 4 1/2" x 6" journal using the wonderful papers you just made a week before. Bring other papers to incorporate into your book signatures and to decorate your covers.  Marisela will teach you paired needle Coptic binding - an ancient, elegant binding that originated in the Coptic Monasteries about 2000 years ago.  This binding joins all of the signatures and covers with a beautiful chain stitch that lays completely flat when open - making the journal ideal for art journals, sketching and other artist books.